Code Smell of the year

Message Chain

Here is a hidden message chain in this code. But technically it’s the same as before. Eliminate it.

public class Invoice {
    private Customer customer;

    public Invoice(Customer customer){
        this.customer = customer;

    public void addItem(InvoiceItem invoiceItem){

    public double getTotalPrice(){ 
        double invoiceTotal = 0;

        for (Iterator iterator = invoiceItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            InvoiceItem invoiceItem = (InvoiceItem);
            invoiceTotal += invoiceItem.getSubTotal();

        Address address = customer.getAddress();
        Country country = address.getCountry();

            invoiceTotal += SHIPPING_COST_OUTSIDE_EU;
        return invoiceTotal;

You can fork it here from Github.

This is step two of the second part of the Refactoring kickstart beginner series. Here is step 3.