Code Smell of the year

Lazy Class

Take care of lazy subclasses too.

public abstract class Address {

    private final String house;
    private final String street;
    private final String city;
    private final String postcode;
    private final String country;

    public Address (String house, String street, String city,
                    String country, String postcode){ = house;
        this.street = street; = city;
        this.postcode = postcode; = country;

    public String getAddressSummary(){
        return house + ", " + street + ", " + city + ", " + postcode.getPostcode() +
                ", " + country;


public class ShippingAddress extends Address {

    public ShippingAddress(String house, String street, String city, String country, String postcode){
        super(house, street, city, country, postcode);

    public double calculatePostage(){
        return country == "United Kingdom" ? 3 : 6;

You can fork it here from Github.

This is step seven of the second part of the Refactoring kickstart beginner series. Here is step 8.